Trending with Twitter Likes

News 08:05 May 2024:

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Getting yourself to trend on twitter is quite easy. All you need is to get people to like your tweet and retweet it as well as use the hashtag in your tweet on their conversations. Thus one way to get trending is by using a catchy hashtag. It could be a protest about a current event or something that will catch the attention of the people following your account. You then use twitter likes to give more attention to the tweet. People will see the hashtag used on the tweet and the many likes the tweet has and start conversing about it and liking it.

As more and more people catch on with the conversation your tweet starts trending and so does your account. You can also add supporting tweets to the original ones and also buy twitter likes for them. As people look for the origin of the conversation that s trending on twitter they will get to your account. You get to rend and your account becomes more popular. The hashtag used should be one that is relevant across most twitter users.